If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe. ~Woody Allen
The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness. ~ Michel de Montaigne
The primary sign of a well-ordered mind is a man's ability to remain in one place and linger in his own company. ~Seneca
that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck
that says, ''Make me feel important.'' Not only will you succeed in
sales, you will succeed in life. ~Mary Kay Ash
The need to be right is the sign of a vulgar mind. ~Albert Camus
greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, "The
children are now working as if I did not exist." ~Maria Montessori
Quotes about signs
- How safe are you playing your life?
- How cheerful are you?
- When did you feel empowered to learn?