Wednesday, February 20, 2013

#912 Take a good look

Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands – a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world. ~Sidney Lovett

Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars...
and if you have eyes you will be able to see
that the whole existence is joyful.
Everything is simply happy.
Trees are happy for no reason;
they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents
and they are not going to become rich
and they will never have any bank balance.
Look at the flowers- for no reason.
It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are.  ~Osho

Tags: quotes about nature, solace life

- When was the last time you took a good look at something in nature?
- How did it make you feel?
- What did you learn?