Dear readers,
Over the last five years I have posted over 4,500 quotes for inspiration and enrichment, and published four volumes with 1,460 entries for reflection.
Now I feel it's time to consolidate all of my contributions, and focus on a core of pivotal quotes. As our children and grandchildren grow up, become teens and young adults, what insights can they glean from the accumulated wisdom and learning of the ages? Also as a retired teacher I am mindful of what teenagers may learn from a core of key quotations. Indeed, what horizons can adults and seniors still enjoy?
Thus I am tweaking my focus for 2015. I will be posting individual quotes and provide a question or two for reflection. Hopefully each entry will present an opportunity for personal growth and enrichment for people of all ages, but particularly for young people just making sense of the world. By the end of the year I hope to publish my next booklet with a title something like: 365 Pivotal Quotes for Enrichment and Growth.
Thanks for coming along with me on this quote journey. I appreciate positive referrals to others about my quote quest for 2015. If you wish to provide any feedback or suggest favorite quotes, messages are welcomed.