Wednesday, April 3, 2013

#947 The usable surface

There are three ways of dealing with difference: domination, compromise, and integration. By domination only one side gets what it wants; by compromise neither side gets what it wants; by integration we find a way by which both sides may get what they wish.  ~ Mary Parker Follett

If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.  ~ Margaret Thatcher b.1925

Better bend than break.  ~ Scottish Proverb

A professional politician is a professionally dishonourable man. In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker.  ~ H. L. Mencken

People talk about the middle of the road as though it were unacceptable. Actually, all human problems, excepting morals, come into the gray areas. Things are not all black and white. There have to be compromises. The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.  ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Quotes about compromise, life

- When have you seen domination, compromise, and integration at work?
- How negatively or positively do you consider the concept of compromise?
- Where could you apply some compromise or integration?