Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Announcing Several Self Published Books

Volumes #1 and #2 of 365 Quote Quest are now available in print and in digital format for Kindle.  These books are a product of several years of posts in which I provide a quotation and offer about three questions to encourage reflection and enrichment.

For example entry #537 is entitled 'Be thyself':

Resolve to be thyself: and know, that he
Who finds himself, loses his misery. ~ Matthew Arnold

- How much do you try to be yourself?
- To what extent do you agree with Arnold that being yourself leads to greater happiness?
- What are other sources of happiness for yourself?

Another sample entry which offers an interesting juxtaposition with the above is #702, 'Changing yourself.'

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~Leo Tolstoy

- What changes would you like to make to the world?
- To what extent do you think yourself an exemplary person?
- Heeding Tolstoy's advice, what could you begin changing about yourself?

I consider each of the 730 entries a meditation nugget.

You may purchase Volume #1 of  the book here and the Kindle version here.

Volume #2 of the book, may be purchased here and the Kindle version here.

I have made the books available at cost.

Thank you for your readership here and at quoteflections, and for any positive recommendations to others you may want to provide.

For those who may be interested, I self published the books at Createspace which provides distribution through Amazon.  Also convenient links are provided so that I could publish them as e books through Kindle Direct Publishing.